Australia's Job Market and Opportunities

Over the last decade, the Australian economy continues to go from strength to strength and continues to enjoy its boom times. Its economy is one of the progressive countries to first leave the worldwide downfall and continues to attract overseas skilled workers to fill in new positions available on a regular basis. 

Likewise, the number of application for visa from Australia (i.e. working Australian visa or Australian work holiday visa) has become enormously increasing. Australia, is the country that has been converted its economy from which was dependent on manufacturing sometimes ago to one which is now based upon the SERVICES SECTOR – which has been the engine room of the Australian economy just like many developing economies around the world. 

But Australia's economy proves that there is more to jobs market than just services. For many years, this prosperous land down under has been one of the major mining centers around the globe with massive natural resources. And this continues to service a significant part of the employment market in Australia. There are vast similarities between working conditions in Australia and working conditions in the UK. UK is somewhat similar also when it comes to processing of application for a work visa in Australia. 

The country's average working week is around 37 hours which start from Monday to Friday. Skilled workers are also entitled for overtime payments for out of hours work, holidays and sick leaves. The working conditions in Australia have been improved and well-documented – and are a natural development for a country and developing economy. With over 11 million people available for work in Australia, 75% of these people are employed by the services industry while 21.1% by industry. 

In 2008, the rate of unemployment in Australia rose from 4.2% and 5.7% in 2009. Although, these figures are set to return to lower levels as the economy picks up after the worldwide recession. Overseas skilled workers have been a significant part of the Australian workforce. These are the people who moved to the country over the years. It is reported that the same number of overseas skilled workers are moving to Australia in the short to medium term. 

It is because Australia's economy has now gone through the development stage and could be described as developed. In Australia, there are many different areas that offer employment opportunities. However, vast majority of immigrants are likely to go for one of the major cities such as Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Canberra, Perth and Adelaide. Cost of living in these areas is the highest yet employment activity is focused. 

There may be a lot of job opportunities in Australia but the government is beginning to clamp down on the number of skilled workers moving from overseas last year and the coming years. We will likely to see a further reduction in the number of skilled workers as the domestic workforce develops and adopts new skills coming from overseas. Immigrations have no doubt that played a major part in the progress of not only the entire Australia but particularly in its economy.


anderson said...

An asset Blog for job seekers who want Jobs in Australia having their background in accounting, construction work, IT, Management etc

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