Currently, Australia is in need of skilled tradesmen and as a result there are opportunities galore. Perhaps you've acquired the skills but you don't have the necessary official qualification papers to qualify for Australian Immigration ?
No worries, there is a solution - are you willing to do what it takes?
Currently, trades persons earn much more than graduates. This is due to the high demand for trade skills.
The opportunity to study a trade in Australia ensures an opportunity to migrate to Australia successfully. Over 30 percent of TAFE (Technical and Further Education) students in Australia already hold bachelor degrees but are training for trade skills to gain lucrative jobs.
How can you benefit?
The bottom line is – Australia’s economy is booming. Fortunately for you, the growth is restricted due to shortages of skilled people across many of the trade industries. In fact, there are huge infrastructure developments that are on hold because of this great shortage of skills.
Currently, tradespersons are earning much more than graduates. This is due to the high demand for trade skills.
Study in Australia? The study options avaliable are open to international students. This will allow these students to gain skills to qualify in a number of occupations that are in demand. If you already hold a degree you're able to gain admission to two year post graduate courses to gain recognition as accountants, teachers, nurses and IT Specialists. If you've attained a HND (Higher National Diploma) you're able to gain credit into a Bachelor degree. You can then qualify in a wide range of occupations. You'll also enhance your chances of gaining skilled migration.
If you don’t have qualifications
You can train as a cook, hairdresser, bricklayer, automotive mechanic, cabinet maker or backer (there are more trades that you can train for). Of course, those in the above mentioned categories can also train for these trades.
How to go about it...
Generally, Australia aim to attract young people that have proficient English skills and are qualified in skilled occupations. Preferably, these applicants want to settle in regional areas. An Eligibility test will determine the above factors. The eligibility points allocate points to applicants based on age, skill, English language ability, work experience and a few other factors.
For skilled Migration you'll need 120 points.
How are points gained?
If you study specific programmes in Australia for at least 2 years will allow you to gain points for;
Skilled Occupations – amounts to 40, 50 or 60 points
If you study in Australia for two years you can gain 5 points
If you studied in a regional area in Australia you are given a bonus of 5 points
If you graduate with qualifications included on the Migration Occupation In Demand List (MODL), you may attract an additional 15 points.
The Age Requirement
Persons under 30 years of age with good English skills and qualified in a 60 point occupation (through 2 years of study in a regional area in Australia) will gain 120 points which is the current target.
Various occupations are shown on the Skilled Occuptations List (SOL)
Sought-after Trades Skills
Which skills are in demand?
Nurses, Accountants, Cooks, Hairdressers, Bricklayers are on the MDOL.
The MODL is reviewed at least every 6 months. This is done in line with the current workforce demands at the time. For example, If you proceed to do cookery courses , ensure that when by the time you're expected to complete the course, your newly attained skill will still feature on the MODL. Remember, not all courses will qualify you for a migration outcome. In order to be granted points, you'll need to meet the criteria that are set down by the relevant assessing body. Particularly for the occupation you're studying for as shown on the SOL.
The Requirements
Ensure that you're in possession of the necessary requirements. You'll need one of the following;
Degree or Postgraduate qualification that is on the assessing body’s accredited list. Examples; accountants or IT Specialists. Certificate III in a specific subject and 900 hours that are recognised as relevant work experience is needed. Examples; bricklayers, hairdressers’ or Automotive Mechanics. Recognised qualification that incorporates a minimum amount of days done under supervised work experience.
High English Score - For example, teacher and nurses require 7.0 on the international English Language Testing System Test or;
Diploma or Degree that features on the accredited list
Applicants must ensure that the course that they're studying for will meet the criteria of the relevant assessing body. These requirements may change. Throughout the past five years to qualify as a cook and attain 60 points, the TRA assessing body required students to have the following;
- One year Certificate III in Commercial Cookery,
- Hold a Certificate III (in conjunction with a minimum two year study package) and
- 900 hours of relevant work experience.
What's worth Knowing?
Once you’ve applied for your student visa, it can take up to 3 months to be granted, before courses commence. You're obligated to attend at least 80 per cent of your classes. You're also expected to meet your course requirements. Moreover, immediate dependent family members are generally included on the student visa. Child Dependants of school going age must be enrolled in a school before your visa is granted. It's greatly advised that you consult a clued up consultant that is proficient in dealing with such cases.
It's also important to remember that you'll not be allowed to work until you've started the course and applied for work rights.
Once you’ve applied for work rights, you'll be permitted to work for 20 hours per week during term and full-time during holidays. Your partner or spouse will be allowed to work 20 hours a week during the entire student visa period, once he/she has been granted work rights. Note that spouses of students studying towards a Masters or research Masters or PHD are permitted to work full-time. Although work that is registered as part of your course will not be included in the limited 20 hours.
Migration can become a very real possibility once you’ve completed your studies. So, hang in there and give it all you’ve got!
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Disclaimer: While all due care has been taken to ensure that the information within this article at the time of publication is correct, I.U cannot accept responsibility for the content for any inaccuracies that occurs as a result of changes in immigration regulations, policy or other variables affecting the eligibility of individual applicants. Immigration laws, skill shortage determinations etc are subject to change by appropriate authorities and thus are outside of our control. Please contact us for further advice before taking steps towards immigrating. This article is published in good faith.